Art Workshops

Art Workshops With Yvette Frahn
Teaching equine art allows me to educate and inspire others to pursue their love of horse art, and equip them with a collection of great skills.
The SpiritOfEquine workshops are carefully designed to forge great friendships while covering what it takes to get your mind in the right space for optimal learning as an artist. You will learn to quiet the mind, to be able to see the truth in form and develop seeing and analytical skills. You learn how composition works, and a series of simple techniques for creative problem solving, alternative ways to approach problems, and not just artistic ones, this knowledge will enhance your ability to find diverse ways to solve issues generally.
The beauty of these workshops which can range from a day to 4 days (generally 2 days) is how easy it is to be part of. I want you to be able to just walk out of your house and into the workshop without having to worry about organising anything. Just feel the freedom and enjoy the space – only 10 people can participate in a workshop which means they fill up quickly, and this also means a guaranteed personalised indulgence. I am able to dedicate my attention effectively to assist you to get amazing outcomes and satisfaction at these workshops.
Youll feel spoiled, you will feel that you’ve extended yourself intellectually and without doubt you will leave with new friendships, an appreciation of your burgeoning talents, and a great sense of achievement and excitement for what comes next creatively. A closed equine art group runs via FB which only participants are eligible to join and you can ask for advice, share achievements and show us all what you’re upto.
Want to be an Art Champion?
These workshops happen Australia wide and are organised by what I love to call my Art Champions.
Anyone can become a champion and the benefits of being one are substantial.
This team of brilliant people are my event organiseers – they select a great venue, organise catering and bring together a collection of keen participants with my assistance.
Youre not on your own, I provide a comprehensive guide to help you feel comfortable with all you need to do and as for rewards for all your hard work? You get to do the workshop for free and become an owner of a piece of original artwork which I present to you.
So if you’d love to see me in your district, have a great network of keen potential participants and feel comfortable with the job of getting a workshop organised, youre the right person and I invite you to approach me to start the conversation. It’s easy and so good to do for you and your network.
Contact Yvette Frahn
The best way to contact me is through email - [email protected] - or by using the form below. You can also use the Front Runners form to join my occassional newsletter list to hear about workshops, exhibitions, and other news. Finally, I welcome you to try my favourite social networking channel: Spirit Of Equine Facebook Page