Contact Information
Contact me using the information below, or the form at the bottom of this page. I look forward to painting for you, answering questions about my prints or colouring books, or working with you to arrange one of my workshops for your town.
Email: [email protected]
Postal address: PO Box 2344, Paringa, 5340, Australia
Phone International: +61 427 956 009
Within Australia: 0427 956 009
Property address: 956 Aunger Road, BUGLE HUT, South Australia

Contact Yvette Frahn
The best way to contact me is through email - [email protected] - or by using the form below. You can also use the Front Runners form to join my occassional newsletter list to hear about workshops, exhibitions, and other news. Finally, I welcome you to try my favourite social networking channel: Spirit Of Equine Facebook Page